Home > Mother's Day Presents

Mother's Day Presents

May 11th, 2012 at 10:39 pm

Remember... I've got that long commute? The Mother's Day ads on the radio are driving me nuts!

Suddenly EVERYTHING is the perfect gift for your mom! Phones, jewelry, flowers, gift cards, concert tickets, movie tickets, new tires (!), shoes... you name it! The ads are frequent and irritating! I wouldn't consider asking or buying any of those for gifts!

I told The Husband that what I really want for Mother's Day is for the kids to cook all weekend and for someone to do some iPod updating for me. I just don't have time to work on organizing my iPod and the only time I really think about it is when I'm on my way to the gym. I want a couple of playlists organized and my iPod synched with my laptop, not the home desktop. And I want the collection of songs on my iPod loaded to my phone in duplicate. I asked for the cooking relief just so I can have a break. I LOVE to cook. A lot. But I just don't want to think about it. Truth be told, I wouldn't mind a pedicure, either...

Those seem like tiny requests for a day meant *JUST FOR ME* so I might ask for a little toilet scrubbing and window cleaning, as well! Wink

1 Responses to “Mother's Day Presents”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    LOL I love your ideas for good Mother's Day gifts. All I generally want from my kids is to be left alone in the morning so I can sleep in. That is my blissful gift. And they usually make me brilliant cards (both talented artists).

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