Home > Friends Spending, Day Trips, and the Tube

Friends Spending, Day Trips, and the Tube

July 8th, 2012 at 08:09 am

I commented on Monkey Mama's blog last week about a friend. She and her family just moved (needed a cheaper place) and then bought themselves a new couch, washer and dryer, microwave, and no doubt lots of other things they didn't really need. It's frustrating to hear complaints of money woes and then watch them spend. I suggested at one point that perhaps they could keep the old microwave or go without for even a few months, but those ideas were tossed aside. Today, said friend posted on Facebook that they had gotten a new fountain. I'm certain it wasn't free, but they love it because "it's so soothing!" Doh!

We've been taking some nice family day trips. Some have been well planned, others have had some surprises. As a result, we've spent more than usual on gas. And when, two hours from home, all the swimbabies started quarreling with each other, we stopped and fed them. Not planned, and I'd have rather saved that money... but there was some cushion in the budget, so it was okay. Just means we'll be spending a little less on groceries for the next few weeks.

And the tube... my face moisturizer comes in a tube. It's been difficult to get any of the lotion out of the tube for the last week. Today, I couldn't get anything to squeeze out. So I grabbed a pair of scissors and just cut right across the tube. I peeked inside, and there is at least enough moisturizer to last another week. I got what I needed today and put both ends of the tube in a zip lock bag to keep it from drying out. It always makes me happy to do that. Most people who throw out the tube, and not even think of cutting it open. I got an extra week for free!

4 Responses to “Friends Spending, Day Trips, and the Tube”

  1. snafu Says:

    Oh what memories your post revived! DH couldn't abide DKs squabbling so he'd stop at the next Rest spot or Heritage board. While DKs quickly learned how to negotiate differences we all learned historical details we still remember 15 yrs later lol. It really helps to have a mini cooler with breakfast bars/dry cereal, water and fruit.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I've opened tubes before too and found the same thing. It works with foundation tubes as well. That is an excellent tip!

  3. Swimgirl Says:

    We always have a cooler and a bag of snacks with us. On our most recent trip, however, we ended up driving farther than expected. Most of the food was gone, kids were tired and hungry, and we decided our sanity was worth $10. We stopped at an A&W and got 5 rootbeer floats (had a friend with us), and it changed the whole attitude of everyone in the car. The Husband and I got iced tea and everyone was happy. Our last $10? Of course not. Glad we decided to just do it!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    I do that, too, with tubes. Usually toothpaste, neosporin, and aquaphor. And my face mask. I also use a lip brush to finish off tubes of lip balm. I love it that there are others here that do the same sorts of things.

    And I hear you on food (or at least sugar) changing attitudes in the car. Sometimes it is worth it for sanity and as long as you can afford it, it's all good.

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