Home > Organization Vacation

Organization Vacation

December 28th, 2010 at 07:01 pm

I'm off work this week, as is the hub. We've been having plenty of leisure and family time, which we have both needed. I really like our kids. They are fun to be with!

But I'm getting things done, too.

1. Yesterday when we took down the tree, I filled an entire box with Christmas decoration items that we do not need and are not attached to. We did have 7 large plastic boxes for Christmas decorations (one is all childrens books and toys) but now we are down to six!

2. We've had more time to cook this week and one of the kids is particularly interested in helping (and is actually helpful!) so today I want to do a little freezer stock-up. I want to make a few pans of lasagna and a giant batch of rolls to stash in the freezer for next week, which life will likely be busy again.

3. I opened another online account to stash my $20 challenge money in. In the past, I have just kept track, but not separated the money. This year I want to try keeping it completely separate. I think I will add $1 for each time I ride my bike or walk rather than drive. We live close enough to walk to get groceries, and I could ride my bike to work every day if I weren't ever cold or lazy or in a hurry.

$20 Challenge:
I rode my bike to meet a friend for coffee yesterday...$56.49 + $1 = $57.49

1 Responses to “Organization Vacation”

  1. beawealthywarrior Says:

    Great job!!

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